BANDA ACEH - A total of 474,000 beneficiary families (KPM) in Aceh received direct cash assistance distributed through PT Pos Indonesia.

The Executive General Manager of the Banda Aceh Main Branch Office of PT Pos Indonesia Persero Fendi Anjasmara said the distribution was the second phase of assistance.

"The distribution is carried out simultaneously throughout Indonesia. For Aceh, there are 474,026 families receiving the cooking oil assistance. The distribution lasts for three months," said Fendi Anjasmara as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 26.

A total of 474,026 beneficiary families represent the total number of realized aid distributions collected from 23 districts and cities in Aceh out of a total target allocation of 481,342 thousand. Meanwhile, assistance to 7,316 beneficiary families has not been successfully distributed.

Fendi Anjasmara said that each beneficiary family received Rp. 300 thousand plus basic food assistance for a month of Rp. 200 thousand. So, the total funds received are Rp. 500 thousand.

PT Pos Indonesia in the Aceh region, said Fendi Anjasmara, has succeeded in realizing the distribution of aid with a percentage reaching 98.48 percent.

"Especially Banda Aceh has succeeded in distributing as much as 99.35 percent or as many as 9,277 of the target 9,338 beneficiary families," said Fendi Anjasmara.

Regarding the 7,316 beneficiary families that have not been successfully distributed, said Fendi Anjasmara, due to administrative constraints, such as changing domiciles and passing away.

"We have delivered the beneficiary families directly, but until the address was reached, the person was not found," said Fendi Anjasmara.

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