LPSK: Silence Victims Of Human Cage Will Get Criminalized
Human Cage at Langkat Regent's House/Photo: Antara

JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) reminded all perpetrators or suspects in the human cage case belonging to the inactive Regent of Langkat Published the Warring Wind Plan not to silence the voices of victims and witnesses in this case. Victims," said LPSK Deputy Chair Antonius PS Wibowo in a written statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday, April 26. He said efforts to silence witnesses and victims in the human cage case in Langkat Regency were intensively underway. This is done by taking advantage of the situation of the victim who is in debt. The perpetrator or suspect in the cage case tries to silence the voice of the victim by paying the victim's debt or addressing economic needs, including offering some money and even a vehicle. In addition to the perpetrators, LPSK also reminds witnesses and victims of the cage. people not to give false information, because doing so could be subject to criminal penalties. Antonius explained those who tried to bribe victims or their families through various parties, ranging from the victim's family and lovers to unscrupulous community organizations (ormas) as well as unscrupulous civil servants in the area. "The party is trying to persuade the victim to side with the perpetrator," he added.

Meanwhile, on Thursday (18/4), several people visited the house of the victim's mother-in-law who was the witness. The person asked the victim not to be a witness in the human cage case and offered to pay a fantastic amount of money plus a car. In addition, he continued, there were other protected families who were visited by regional civil servants and offered millions of rupiah as long as the protected did not become witnesses. "The perpetrators (regional civil servants) have also used their influence, which is considered to be still large, to influence the protected aunt who works at the Langkat Regency Government office," Antonius was quoted as saying by Antara. asking victims to submit information that discredits LPSK. For this incident, Antonius hopes that the police will immediately arrest the perpetrators of human cages who have not been arrested so far.

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