MATARAM - Homecomers are starting to fill the Mandalika Terminal, Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), a week before Lebaran 2022. The passengers aim to go home to a number of areas both inside and outside NTB.

Head of the Mandalika Terminal, Marthen Tanone, said that the density of homecoming traffic through the Mandalika Terminal had occurred since Saturday, April 23.

"For the homecoming flow, last Saturday, both AKDP buses and AKAP buses were the busiest. It was the busiest AKDP. In one day, 25 buses departed," he said at the Mandalika Terminal, Mataram City, Monday, April 25.

He said the number of fleets serving travelers through the Mandalika Terminal for AKAP Buses is 65 units with routes to Bali and Java, such as Malang, Surabaya and Jakarta. Then, there are 602 units of AKDP Bus with district and city routes in NTB.

"But specifically for AKDP, not all of them carry out activities at the terminal, many depart via pools, while AKAP still go through the terminal," he said.

Marthen predicts the number of homecomers who will depart through the largest terminal in NTB this year's Lebaran will reach 30 percent. "We estimate that the peak will occur on D-4 or D-3 Lebaran. Because here school children or employees start taking holidays," he said.

According to him, to anticipate the surge in travelers, the PO Bus has prepared a backup bus. "That is if the regular vehicles no longer exist, but if there is it will remain as usual. Usually the PO Bus will deploy its tourism buses," he added.

Specifically for checking the feasibility of vehicles in the context of the homecoming flow, his party has carried out a ram check of all vehicles used since April 4, 2022. In fact, this activity will be held until D+10 after Lebaran.

"Actually, ram checks for vehicles are routinely carried out before departure time. Indeed, there are some vehicles that are not feasible, but from an administrative point of view, not technically, especially regarding permits. If those who depart do not go through the terminal, the check is carried out directly at the check pool," he said.

Meanwhile, to maintain the comfort and safety of passengers, his party has also prepared a number of monitoring posts inside the Mandalika terminal. Including the health post.

"We will activate the Lebaran transport monitoring post from D-10 to D+10 after Lebaran," he said.

The Coordinator of PO Bus Titian Mas, Slamet Setia Budi, said that there was an increase in passengers for Eid. Even the increase was extraordinary. This is inseparable after the government gave people permission to go home. "The increase is extraordinary and very significant for this year's homecoming," he added.

According to him, the price or ticket price increases by 25 percent. However, this applies on D-7 and D+7 Lebaran.

"For the Bima, Dompu, Sumbawa routes, the normal ticket price is Rp. 140 thousand to Rp. 250 thousand, now the highest is with the tuslah, it becomes Rp. 300 thousand," he explained.

He further said that ticket reservations had run out until D-2 Lebaran was full. "That's why we thank the government for giving permission to go home, because since 2 years there has been no going home due to the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

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