MEDAN - The bespectacled man with the initials RP who threatened to break the neck of Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution finally apologized.

The apology from the residents of Takengon, Central Aceh Regency was delivered directly in front of the North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Panca Putra and Bobby Nasution at the Medan Police Headquarters, Monday, April 25.

"I apologize profusely, especially to Mr. Bobby and the parking attendant, because I said rude things," said RP.

RP explained the chronology of events that eventually went viral. He denied that he did not want to pay for parking. RP admitted that he was only afraid that the balance on his e-toll card would be sucked when he used it to pay for e-parking.

"But what happened earlier, sir, it's not that I don't want to pay for my parking, I want to pay for parking because I want cash. Because I'm afraid, sir, because at that time his hand entered the dashboard of my car, he had no manners, no greeting, no greeting. immediately asked for an e-toll card," he explained.

"Because what I know is that e-toll cards can be depleted, so I don't dare. I took the initiative to pay with cash," continued the bespectacled man.

In the release of the case, the North Sumatran Police Chief asked about the reason why RP injured the hand of the Medan e-parking officer.

"Initially I asked if it was okay, then what made him emotional he asked for a double, because he asked for more e-tolls, so there was a lot of noise. We didn't have time to park until he came right away, then he entered his hand," he said.

In front of Bobby Nasution, RP admitted that he did not know the area had implemented e-parking. RP said he didn't mean to break Bobby Nasution's neck.

He thought that Bobby, who was called the e-parking officer, was his superior, not the Mayor of Medan.

'I feel guilty, because I don't know, one more thing I want to say, I didn't know Mr. Bobby before. So in my mind Mr. Bobby who I thought was a thug, that's why we were afraid. Until I wanted to threaten him, we were actually afraid because we were immigrants, I was afraid that he would call his boss, we were being attacked," he said.

Responding to RP's explanation, the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, admitted that he had forgiven the man.

"I'm sorry, before I was asked I forgive you," said Bobby.

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