KALBAR - As many as 120 houses of the residents of Lomba Karya need the attention of the parties, including the Bengkayang Regency Government, West Kalimantan, because their conditions are unfit for habitation. "Out of 321 family heads (KK), 120 families are in very poor condition. As village head, I will continue to propose improvements," said the Head of the Karya Competition Village, Egi Hermanus when contacted in Bengkayang, Antara, Monday, April 25. Based on the data collection, Pagoh Hamlet consists of 139 families, Tuhu Hamlet 41 families, Mensari Hamlet 71 families, and Hamlet Bentarat 104 families. The number of family heads whose houses are in poor condition in Pagoh Hamlet is 60 families, Tuhu Hamlet is 15 families, Mensari Hamlet is 42 families and Bentarat Hamlet is 18 families. "I, together with village, hamlet and RT officials, will continue to improve the quality of life for our residents, especially regarding housing and human resources," he said. He also admitted that previously the Karya Competition Village had entered a disadvantaged village, and it was only in 2022 that it was included in the developing village category. "It feels like our village is still far from being expected to develop quickly, because there are several factors including basic infrastructure such as roads and bridges, clean water, telecommunication facilities and electricity are still not available," said Egi. He hopes that in the future this condition can get more attention from related parties, especially to be fought for, both by members of the legislature and also the executive. The party has carried out sudden inspections (sidak), as well as data collection on its citizens. On that occasion, the group led by them also monitored the activities of residents in their village. "This is one of our steps to fix development in our village area. Previously, we have also fixed the Village office in Bentarat Hamlet, as well as providing guidance to village officials, hamlets and RT," he said.

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