JAKARTA - Head of the Ops Section of the National Police Korlantas Kombes Eddy Djunaedi said the discretion of the contra flow system up to one way (one way) will be applied if the odd-even simulation does not run effectively.

“Later on, we will make arrangements or diversions both on toll roads and those in arteries. In accordance with circular letter number 45 of 2022 issued by the Ministry of Transportation," said Eddy as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, April 25.

Eddy said that from the monitoring he had carried out since he was at KM 46 of the Cikampek Utama Toll Road on Monday (25/4), the road had begun to become congested with four-wheeled vehicles although it could still run smoothly.

Based on ANTARA's monitoring, the traffic flow on Monday was still dominated by heavy transport vehicles such as trucks passing by since entering the toll road up to KM 46.

In that area, Eddy has deployed 75 personnel. The situation is still quite conducive because along the road there have not been any traces of accidents or snack vendors who have emerged from the side of the road.

The police are also actively moving to the middle of the road if the vehicle seems to be starting to congest. Then as far as we can see, many private vehicles with B and D plates enter KM 46.

According to Eddy, his party will continue to monitor until Thursday (28/4) to ensure that all simulations and the number of personnel can run according to the planned regulations.

He also said that his party could not confirm whether the odd-even trial would be extended for the next few days.

"Alhamdulillah, although there is a density, we can run it well. Hopefully (homecoming in 2022) can be in accordance with our expectations in the future, "said Eddy.

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