JAKARTA - Acting Head of the Center for Data and Information (Pusdatin) of the Ministry of Education and Culture Hasan Chabibie asked students who had not received internet quota assistance to immediately report to the school principal.

"Please report to school principals and school operators. Later they will register them at Dapodik," Hasan said in his statement in Jakarta, Thursday, October 8.

Hasan explained that there were several obstacles why the quota assistance had not yet reached the students.

Starting from the inadequacy of the Statement of Absolute Responsibility (SPTJM) with the provisions. However, there were also students who did not register their numbers because they felt they did not need them.

Likewise with students who replace damaged numbers and devices.

"Every month there will be data updates," he explained.

He added that the Ministry of Education and Culture had distributed internet data quota assistance to 27.3 million students and education personnel in September 2020.

Until now, 210,000 schools have reached the internet. Meanwhile, 8,000 schools are covered by the internet.

"Students who have not been able to access the internet can learn with the learning modules provided and also TVRI," he said.

Starting September, each PAUD level student gets 20 GB per month with details of 5 GB for general quota and 15 GB study quota. Elementary and secondary education students get 35 GB per month, with details of 5 GB for general quota and 30 GB learning quota.

Internet quota package assistance for educators at the early childhood education level and primary and secondary education get 42 GB per month with details of 5 GB general quota and 37 GB study quota.

Internet quota packages for students and lecturers get 50 GB per month with details of 5 GB general quota and 45 GB study quota.

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