JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian stressed that every region includes 40 percent of the purchase of domestic goods and services into the APBD. the purchase and use of domestic products in order to be proud of being made in Indonesia" in Jakarta, Monday, April 25, quoted from Antara. Home Affairs Minister Tito said, for the provincial level his APBD, the Minister of Home Affairs will sign. Meanwhile, the district-city level is signed by the governor. "At the level (which is our responsibility) the Ministry of Home Affairs, I will sign if there is an attachment for 40 percent of purchases of goods and services for domestic products. he said. In order to realize the affirmation of the purchase and use of domestic goods and services, he said, the Minister of Home Affairs will carry out supervision in the province, starting from musrenbang activities to routine supervision every 3 months to 6 months. "We will continue to monitor, maybe every 3 months. , which percentage has progressed," he said.

Regular 6-month supervision will be carried out by APIP in collaboration with BPKP. In fact, Minister of Home Affairs Tito entrusted the supervision of 40 percent of the use of domestic products specifically to be monitored. This will be one of the performance indicators," said the Minister of Home Affairs. Regional achievements in meeting these targets will be an indicator in providing rewards or sanctions for regions.

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