JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion has begun to disburse social assistance funds for the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) for Madrasah Phase I amounting to Rp336 billion. That number is for 778,195 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) students.

"Alhamdulillah, the verification and validation process for phase I has been completed. Starting April 23, 2022, the PIP for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah has started to disburse. There are 778,195 students with a total budget of Rp.336.13 billion. Data verification and validation is carried out first to the education unit to ensure the accuracy of the target recipients. assistance," said Director of Curriculum, Facilities, Institutional and Student Affairs (KSKK) for Madrasahs at the Ministry of Religion M Ishom Yusqi in a statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, April 24.

Ishom said for the first phase of disbursement, there were 1,688,601 madrasah PIP recipients. This number consists of 778,195 MI students, 595,611 Madrasah Tsanawiyah or MTs students (Rp315.87 billion) and 314,795 Madrasah Aliyah or MA students (Rp251.45 billion).

"For MTs and MA, we are currently in the process of making account numbers at channeling banks. Hopefully there will be no technical and administrative problems in the next disbursement process," said Ishom.

He said the Ministry of Religion had allocated a PIP budget for 2,005,065 students with a total budget of IDR 1.3 trillion. The remainder will be disbursed in phase II after completion of the verification and validation process.

The Ministry of Religion continues to accelerate the disbursement of PIP Madrasah assistance funds. This effort was carried out together with the Ministry of Finance and the aid channeling bank.

"After being channeled into student accounts, the PIP assistance funds can be disbursed at the channeling bank according to the provisions," said Ishom.

"We are grateful to the PIP managers, central and regional as well as all parties who have cooperated in the process of disbursing Madrasah PIP. Hopefully the PIP assistance funds can help students to support education costs," he said.

The amount of PIP for MI is IDR 450,000 per student, except for class VI it is only given half. For MTs students, the amount is Rp. 750,000 per student, except for class IX only half is given, while for MA, Rp. 1,000,000 per student, except for class XII is only given half.

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