JAKARTA - The replacement for the elected Regional Representative Council member from the PDI-P Party, Nazaruddin Kiemas became a polemic. He had to be PAW (alternation between times) by his party because he had passed away. One of the candidates is named Riezky Aprilia. This is the profile of the two people.
Nazarudin Kiemas is a senior politician from the PDI-P party who died on March 26 last year. The man who was born in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta, January 25, 1949, breathed his last in South Tangerang at the age of 70 and was a member of the Indonesian Parliament from the electoral district of South Sumatra I since 1999 until he died.

The brother-in-law of former fifth president Megawati Soekarnoputri is assigned to Commission VII DPR-RI which deals with issues in the fields of Energy, Mineral Resources, Research and Technology and the Environment.
Apart from being a member of the DPR, Nazarudin also serves as the General Chair of the Indonesian Young Bull Central Leadership Council for the 2017-2020 period. Quoted by merdeka.com, Nazarudin Kiemas once registered as a candidate for governor of South Sumatra for the 2003-2008 period but failed.
Prior to taking part in politics, Nazarudin worked in the private sector. He also had a career at PT. Econa (1974-1977), and PT. Nusa Consultant (1977-1979).
The perpetuity of Nazaruddin's progress in the world of politics cannot be separated from the factor of his qualified education. Because Nazaruddin graduated from SMA Negeri 5 Jakarta in 1967, and also an alumni of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1977.
Riezky Aprilia
After Nazaruddin Kiemas died, automatically the supporting party had to make changes between times (PAW). One of the candidates is named Riezky Aprilia. Who is he?
Quoted by wikidpr.org, Riezky Aprilia was elected as a member of the DPR-RI for the 2019-2024 period after receiving 44,420 votes representing the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) for the Electoral District of South Sumatra 1.
Kiki, Riezky Aprilia's nickname, is the daughter of Riduan Effendi, the Mayor of Lubuklinggau for the 2003-2008 and 2008-2013 periods. Before entering politics, this mother of four children actively worked as a financial consultant in several companies.
His political journey, as noted by wikidpr.org, has started since 2011. At that time, he was recorded as the Chairman of the Youth Guard of the DKI Jakarta Nasdem Party for the period 2011 to 2013.
He also served as Deputy Treasurer of the National Committee for Indonesian Youth in West Java Province from 2007 to 2010. In addition, Riezky was also noted to have run as a Candidate for Deputy Mayor of Lubuk Linggau in 2018 but failed.
As is known, Riezky Aprilia is a politician who was born in Palembang, April 18, 1982. If you look at the official length of dpr.go.id, Riezky's last education was a graduate of a Master of Law.
Dragging KPU commissioners

The Commissioner for General Elections (KPU) Wahyu Setiawan has been named a suspect in a bribery case by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Due to his misuse of his position as election organizer, Wahyu resigned from his position.
For Wahyu's actions in accepting bribes, he was detained at the Guntur Detention Center (Rutan). Wahyu violates Article 12 paragraph (1) letter a or b or Article 11 of Law Number 31 Year 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 Year 2001 concerning Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.
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