JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto accused someone who was financing the labor demonstration against the issuance of the Omnibus Law on Work Creation.

Responding to this, the Executive Director of Indonesia Political Review, Ujang Komarudin, asked the government not to look for scapegoats and blame workers who came down to voice their opinions.

"The government shouldn't look for scapegoats. Don't blame the workers, don't blame the workers for the demonstrations. There is no smoke if there is no fire, there will be no demonstrations if the Ciptaker Law does not harm workers," said Ujang when contacted by VOI , Thursday, October 8. .

According to him, workers and workers will not carry out demonstrations if they are not harmed. Ujang reminded that the narrative of the authorities who always blame other parties must also be stopped. Because, public protests against this law also arise because the government does not want to listen to the aspirations, especially of the workers and workers.

"Workers ask the Job Creation Bill not to be continued, they even endorse it. Naturally, workers and workers are angry," he said.

"So don't throw stones with your hands hidden," he added.

Furthermore, Ujang asked that the issue of this demonstration should not be diverted by the issue that the period of payment was the period of payment. Because, this demonstration originated from the attitude of the DPR and the government which passed the controversial law.

"Don't move it in another direction. Don't look for scapegoats. Workers move because they are hurt," he said.

Quoted from CNBC Indonesia , Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said there were figures who mobilized and financed the mass action of these workers and workers. He even said that the government had known and monitored who was behind the mass demonstrations that took place in a number of areas including Jakarta.

"We know who is driving it. We know who the sponsor is, we know who financed it. So we hope that the seven factions in the DPR also represent the people," said Airlangga in a television program.

He then accused the person behind the scenes of having a very big ego that drove and financed the action. The General Chair of the Golkar Party also said that this person was only motivating but did not want to join the demonstration in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic like today.

Furthermore, he also emphasized that the government would not hesitate to take firm legal action if the masses who participated in the action were in chaos. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, this kind of activity has the potential to transmit the virus.

"We cannot punish with just words. Of course we see the actions taken. If there is a legal action (which is violated, red ) the government takes firm action, especially through law enforcement officials," he said.

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