KALTENG - Katingan Police Chief AKBP P. Sonny Bhakti W revealed that his members are ready to face the 2022 Lebaran homecoming. In carrying out the 2022 Ketupat Operation, the Polres in Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan) have established two security posts.

"To provide security and service to the community ahead of Lebaran this year, we will place two post points," he said in Kasongan, Saturday, April 23.

The first post is in front of the Katingan Regent's office complex, functioning as a security post. While the second post was built next to the Satlantas Polres Katingan post which functions to provide security and services to the community around the Kereng Pangi Market.

The purpose of establishing these posts is to monitor lane crossings, as well as provide security and service for community activities who will enjoy holidays in the Katingan area.

Especially in the Green Park, RTHDR Park and the market. At the two posts, 50 joint personnel will be placed consisting of the TNI, POLRI, Satpol PP, BPBD and the Katingan PUPRHub Service.

Katingan has long been a crossing route for the people of Kotim and the surrounding districts to Palangka Raya and vice versa.

In line with President Joko Widodo's statement allowing people to go home, it is predicted that before Lebaran this year there will be an increase in driving activities compared to previous years.

"Safety and smooth driving from several regencies and cities crossing Katingan before and after Lebaran is our first priority," he said, quoted from Antara.

For that, he said, the Satlantas Polres Katingan has conducted a road survey. It aims to monitor and map which road points are damaged and subsequently, to ask the implementer to speed up the ongoing road repair work.

He appealed to the public to obey traffic regulations in order to avoid accidents and comply with the COVID-19 health protocol, and not to violate social, religious, customary and legal norms, so that the sanctity of the month of Ramadan is not tarnished by irresponsible actions.

Regarding the holding of entertainment events at the Bukit Batu tourist attractions and the Botanical Gardens on Lebaran, the number one person at the Katingan Police said his party would try to coordinate with the organizers to find out the series of events.

According to him, as long as the prokes regulations are carried out and in their implementation, there is no problem with social, legal, and cultural customs and norms.

"The important thing is that it is adjusted to the theme of welcoming Eid. Later we will monitor, monitor and carry out security in its activities," said Sonny Bhakti W.

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