KUDUS - Kudus Resort Police, Central Java held a socialization of online transaction fraud mode so that the public is more aware and does not become a victim.

The socialization was held in Kudus Square while distributing early warning pins against various forms of online transaction fraud and various takjil involving police wearing zebra costumes carrying posters that read 'Beware of online fraud, online fraud is becoming more and more common.'

"This activity is part of the police's prevention efforts so that victims of online transaction fraud do not increase. If the public is more aware and alert, at least they can avoid various forms of fraud," said the Head of Special Crimes Unit of the Kudus Police, Iptu Jajang when met on the sidelines of the event. on the sidelines of socialization at the Kudus Square, Antara, Friday, April 22.

He noted that there are relatively many cases of online transaction fraud in this area with various modes, including fraudulent sales of motor vehicles. Fraudsters bid high prices and claim to buy even though they have not been paid in cash.

In addition, fraudsters offer them to others at below-market prices. When checking the condition of the car, they are asked to directly transfer to the fraudster's account. However, when the car was about to be taken, it turned out that it belonged to the first person who sold it but had not been paid in full.

Other frauds, he said, were related to online social gatherings, as well as official or confiscated car auctions.

"The most important thing, don't be easily tempted by cheap prices. Even if you want to buy a car, you should directly contact the seller, not through an intermediary," he said.

Laila, a resident who passes through Kudus Square, appreciates the steps taken by the Kudus Police to carry out early vigilance against various modes of online transaction fraud.

"This socialization can at least prevent the fall of victims of online transaction fraud," he said.

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