DENPASAR - The Bali Police have alerted 5,100 joint personnel to secure the Eid homecoming. The number of travelers from Bali to Java is estimated to double.

The Head of the Bali Police, Inspector General Putu Jayan Danu Putera, said that his party had held a sectoral level coordination meeting with related elements in the activities of securing homecoming and return flows in Bali.

"So the total implementation of this activity is around 5,100 personnel from related elements from the Police, TNI, Regional Government (Pemda) and Basarnas, BPBD and other elements who are members of the security activities for the diamond operation," said Inspector General Putu after leading the Troops Hold Ceremony. Ketupat Agung 2022 operation at Renon Square, Denpasar, Bali, Friday, April 22.

To anticipate the surge of homecomers at Gilimanuk, Jembrana and Padangbai ports, Karangasem, parking bags have been prepared to prevent queues of travelers from building up.

"In Gilimanuk there are five parking pockets before heading to the pier and at the pier. We regulate the heavy, small, and motorized vehicle zones, including the pedestrian and no-vehicle zones. Likewise in Padangbai there are three parking pockets, we arrange so that We hope that later the homecoming flow through the port can run smoothly," he added.

Meanwhile, the fleet of ships prepared at Gilimanuk Port reaches 48 ships with 200 trips a day. Meanwhile at Padangbai Port, there are 21 ships ready to operate to serve travelers with 13 trips a day.

His party predicts that the Lebaran homecoming will increase twofold compared to 2019. In addition, 21 security posts have been prepared at tourist sites on the Island of the Gods.

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