JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto has denied that the education cluster remains in the Omnibus Law on Job Creation. He emphasized that the cluster had been issued during the discussion process.

Not only that, Airlangga claims that education licensing is no longer regulated in the Ciptaker Law.

"We emphasize that the education cluster has been dropped under discussion, so that educational licensing is not regulated in the Ciptaker Bill," he said, in a virtual press conference, Wednesday, October 7.

Airlangga said that pesantren education was also dropped from the discussion of the Job Creation Law. So, the regulation no longer exists in the law that was just passed by the government and the DPR on 5 October.

"It is also related to pesantren education. So there is no regulation regarding educational licensing in Ciptaker," he said.

Previously, a protest about the education article in the Job Creation Law was raised by the Tamansiswa Family Association (PKBTS). They were surprised to learn that the final draft that was passed into a law still regulates education matters.

The following is an article about education in the intended Job Creation Bill:

Paragraph 12

Education and culture

Art 65

(1) Licensing in the education sector may be carried out through Business Licensing as referred to in this Law.

(2) Further provisions for the implementation of licensing in the education sector as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be regulated in a Government Regulation.

Chairman of PP PKBTS Cahyono Agus said that the existence of this article is tantamount to placing education as a commodity that is traded for profit. Recalling that, in accordance with article 1 letter d of Law Number 3 of 1982 concerning Company Registration Obligations, defines 'business' as any action, action or activity in the economic sector, which is carried out by every entrepreneur for the purpose of gaining profit or profit.

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