JAKARTA - Chandrika Chika's attorney for tiktokers, Roofi Ardian, suspects that Putra Siregar and Rico Valentino have misinterpreted their client's cries. Thus, the misunderstanding became the trigger for the beatings.

"It is possible that Chika's cries were misunderstood by the two suspects," Roofi told reporters, Friday, April 22.

Based on his client's confession, the series of beatings began when Putra Siregar, Riko Valentino, and Chika had karaoke while drinking liquor in the Senopati area, South Jakarta.

However, at that time Chika said goodbye first. The reason is because he wants to meet his friends at the Code cafe which is not far from the karaoke place.

"After Chika went first to meet his friends, and then PS and RV finally went to Code cafe without an appointment with Chika, they met again at Code Cafe," said Roofi.

It was in the cafe that there was a misunderstanding. Chika at that time accidentally met her old friend and hugged her while crying. Because the two of them had disagreements and then forgave each other

However, Chika's cry was misunderstood by Putra Siregar and Rico Valentino who were drunk. They thought that Chika had been mistreated, so they ganged up on Nuralamsyah.

"Even though the victim only saw people hugging," said Roofi.

For information, the South Jakarta Metro Police have named Putra Siregar and Rico Valentino as suspects in the beating at a Cikajang nightclub, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

The beating took place on March 2, then at around 02.30 WIB with the victim Nuralamsyah. At that time, both the victim and the suspect were at the club.

The beating was allegedly because the victim did something unpleasant to Chandrika Chika. Because suddenly the tiktokers cried at Putra Siregar and Rico Valentino after meeting the victim.

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