MAKASSAR - Demonstrations against the Job Creation Law were held at a number of points in Makassar City, South Sulawesi (Sulsel). Some have survived to this night by burning tires blocking the road.

Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Ibrahim Tompo, explained the location of student demonstrations and community elements rejecting the Omnibus Law in Makassar and other South Sulawesi areas, Wednesday, October 7.

- Bosowa University student demonstration

This action was initially held on the Unibos campus yard. There were about 100 people who joined the demonstration. After closing part of the road, the demonstrators headed for the Urip Sumoharjo flyover.

- Demonstration of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement in Pangkep

The demonstration was held at the Pangkep Regency DPRD office with a total of 40 people. At 15.05 WITA, the action was over.

- HMI's demonstration in front of the South Sulawesi DPRD

They rejected the Job Creation Law which was approved by the DPR to be passed into law. At 15.52 WITA, the demo ended

Demo at Unismuh Makassar

- Demonstration of the Enrekang People's Coalition Movement

The demonstration was held at Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Enrekang Regency. They reject the Omnibus Law.

- Demonstration at DPRD Bone

- Demonstration at UIN Alauddin Makassar Campus

This student demonstration was held on Jalan Sultan Alauddin by closing two roads.

"The demonstration is still taking place in a safe and conducive situation," said Ibrahim.

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