BANDA ACEH - The head of the Aceh Regional Police (Kapolda) Inspector General Ahmad Haydar asked the local community to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols even though the number of COVID-19 cases in the province continued to decline.

"Indeed, our positive numbers have decreased, but our mortality rate is still worrying," he said in Banda Aceh, Thursday.

He said the COVID-19 pandemic had not ended yet so that the implementation of health protocols remained the duty of citizens in their daily activities. Moreover, there are still residents in the country who have died from corona infection.

"Every day there are still people who die from COVID-19, so I hope that all Acehnese will continue to maintain health protocols," he said.

He said residents were wearing masks, washing their hands, and maintaining social distance. In addition, they must equip themselves by following the COVID-19 vaccination up to a booster dose, as an effort to avoid corona virus infection, and minimize the death rate due to COVID-19.

"Because the death rate for Aceh is quite good," he said.

The Aceh Police and their ranks continue to accelerate the increase in vaccinations in the westernmost province of Indonesia, especially booster doses of vaccines.

"It should be noted that COVID-19 is not over yet, so it is necessary to be careful and alert to all parties, so as not to be exposed to the spread of the virus," he said.

The Aceh government targets more than four million people to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Currently, he said, the achievement of the first dose of vaccination in Aceh is 99.15 percent, the second dose is 72.38 percent, and the booster dose is 10.59 percent of the total target.

According to Aceh's COVID-19 data at the Aceh Health Office as of Thursday, the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases reached 43,686 people, of whom 41,395 people had recovered, 2,212 people died, and 79 people are still being treated or self-isolating.

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