KUPANG - The Head of the Ombudsman for the Representative of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Darius Beda Daton highlighted the high tariffs for processing vehicle documents through service bureaus, making it difficult for residents to buy vehicles.

"The public complains about the tariff for processing vehicle documents such as motorbikes through dealer service bureaus because they are expensive, starting from Rp. 3.7 million to Rp. 4 million," he said in a statement received in Kupang, Antara, Thursday, April 21.

In NTT, residents who buy vehicles at dealerships are required to arrange vehicle documents through a service bureau called a dealer. Whereas the cost of processing a new vehicle certificate at the National Police based on the Government Regulation on Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) is less than Rp. 1 million.

This means that if residents or vehicle buyers take care of their own documents, they can still save at least Rp. 2.7 million.

"But in the field, buyers are required to take care of paperwork through the service bureau. This is just a motorcycle, not to mention a car," he said.

Beda Daton said using a service bureau or not is the vehicle buyer's choice, not mandatory.

He asked for assistance from the Traffic Directorate of the NTT Regional Police (Polda) so that they could convey to vehicle dealers, both cars and motorcycles, not to require vehicle buyers to have to process vehicle documents through the service bureau.

"Dealers need to be facilitated together so that they do not apply as an obligation but leave the choice to vehicle buyers," he said.

Beda Daton added that the affordable cost could stimulate the people of NTT to buy vehicles to support their various needs.

On the other hand, the more people who buy new vehicles in NTT, he said, the higher the regional income from the Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) sector which has always been the prima donna of NTT's Original Regional Income every year.

"I have also asked the NTT Provincial Revenue Service to facilitate a meeting with dealers to find a way out that makes services easier for the community," he said.

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