JAKARTA - A total of 2,114 reports related to the provision of Eid al-Fitr holiday allowances (THR) for 2022 were submitted to the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) for the period 8-20 April 2022.

The Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Manpower Chairul Fadhly Harahap stated that there were a number of problems that were reported to the THR 2022 Command Post. Among them were the THR calculation was not in accordance with the provisions, THR had not been paid and THR was not paid.

The details of the 2,114 reports received so far are divided into 1,556 online consultations and 558 online complaints.

Chairul ensured that the Ministry of Manpower would take the necessary steps as a follow-up to the consultations and public complaints that came to the THR Command Post.

He explained that the people who were consulted were served directly by an industrial relations mediator through the consultation column on the THR 2022 Posko website.

Meanwhile, incoming complaints are followed up by the labor inspector by conducting inspections with the company to ensure that THR is paid according to the provisions.

"Of course, complaints will only be followed up after the deadline for paying THR ends. The Ministry of Manpower's labor inspectors will coordinate with regional labor inspectors," he said, quoted from Antara.

He explained that the existence of the THR Command Post was a form of government facilitation so that workers' rights to receive THR could be paid according to the provisions.

"The presence of the religious THR post in 2022 is expected to run in accordance with the mechanisms and provisions of the law," said Chairul.

He added that the 2022 THR Command Post was held virtually to make it easier for the public to consult and submit complaints in the implementation of THR payments without being limited by space and time.

The command post can be used by workers and entrepreneurs from April 8 to May 8, 2022 during working hours, namely 08.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB and online through the site https://poskothr.kemnaker.go.id.

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