JAKARTA - The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra distributed zakat of Rp. 701.2 million to 3,935 honorary teachers and freelance daily workers in the local government.

The chairman of Baznas Agam, Edi Zain, said that the zakat was handed over to 3,000 honorary teachers amounting to Rp. 514.2 million and to 935 casual daily employees amounting to Rp. 187 million.

"We leave the distribution of zakat to the regional apparatus organizations where they work. The symbolic handover was carried out by the Regent of Agam Andri Warman at the Rang Agam Sports Hall," he said in Lubukbasung, Antara, Thursday, April 21.

Zakat submitted through the Agam Peduli Program from the local Baznas. Edi hopes that it will be useful for those who receive it. Previously, Baznas Agam also distributed zakat of IDR 1.24 billion to 823 students in the area through the Smart Agam Program.

"The zakat that we distribute comes from mustahik in the area and today we are also launching the love of zakat movement," he said.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Agam Andri Warman congratulated the honorary teachers and freelance daily workers who had received zakat.

"Don't look at the amount of zakat received, but make the best use of it for your needs," he said.

He added that honorary teachers and freelance daily workers are entitled to receive zakat, because it is the eighth asnaf.

This is because they receive inadequate allowances and the government has not been able to provide larger allowances due to budgetary capacity.

However, their existence is to cover the shortage of state civil servants, because every year many ASN retire. While the reception can not be maximized.

"ASN received are not comparable to those who retire. In the previous year, Agam received 242 people and retired more than that amount," he said.

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