JAKARTA - Representatives of mass protesters were allowed to enter the DPR building to convey their demands to the DPR leadership.

According to information, there were 15 mass representatives who were members of the People's Joint Labor Movement (GEBRAK) and the Indonesian Student Alliance (AMI). They will be received directly by the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, in his office.

"It was accepted by Mr. Dasco," said one of the action coordinators who entered the DPR building area, Thursday, April 21.

Representatives of demonstrators allowed to enter the DPR building to meet DPR leaders/PHOTO: Nailin In Saroh-VOI

There are also 10 demands that want to be submitted to the leadership of the DPR, namely:

1. Stop discussing the unconstitutional job creation law and stop efforts to revise the law for the formation of the statutory regulations.

2. Stop criminalizing the people's movement and solve human rights violations.

3. Lower prices (fuel, cooking oil, PDAM, electricity, fertilizer, VAT and toll roads).

4. Arrest, prosecute, imprison, and impoverish all corrupt perpetrators.

5. Redistribution of national wealth (providing social security for education, health, housing, public facilities, and free food for the community).

6. Pass the Domestic Work Law and provide protection for migrant workers.

7. Realize true agrarian reform and stop the deprivation of agrarian resources

8. Reject the postponement of the election and the extension of the term of office of the president.

9. Provide access to the widest possible public participation in the planned revision of the National Education System Law.

10. Reject the revision of Law Number 21 of 2000 concerning Trade Unions.

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