PURWOKERTO - The District Attorney (Kejari) of Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, has successfully completed a case of cell phone theft worth Rp.2,050,000.00 by applying a restorative justice approach.

"Wednesday should have been the second phase of delegation from investigators to prosecutors. However, due to considerations of justice and balance for the perpetrators and victims, a restorative justice approach was taken," said Purwokerto's Chief Prosecutor Sunarwan in Banyumas, Antara, Thursday, April 21.

The theft case was carried out by Eldo Puji Saputra (23) a resident of Gumelar Village, Gumelar District, Banyumas Regency, with the victim on behalf of Aldy (23) who is still in the same village and a close friend of the perpetrator.

In addition, Eldo, who is the breadwinner of the family, has committed no crime for the first time, while the stolen cell phone has been returned to Aldy.

However, the police continued to process the theft case by naming Eldo as a suspect so he had to live life in the Banyumas City Police Detention Center (Polresta).

After knowing the background of the case, Kajari Purwokerto Sunarwan together with the Head of the General Crimes Section Guntoro Jangkung and Agus Fikri as the public prosecutor who handled the case, immediately facilitated Eldo to conduct penal mediation with Aldy in an effort to make peace.

"The penal mediation will be held on April 6, 2022, witnessed by the family of the suspect, the victim's family, the Gumelar sub-district head, the Gumelar village head, babinsa, bhabinkamtibmas, Gumelar police investigators, and the head of the local RT," said Sunarwan.

According to him, the mediation resulted in a peace agreement because the suspect had committed the crime of theft for the first time and the sentence was not more than 5 years and the stolen cell phone had been returned to the victim on behalf of Aldy.

In addition to peace between the two parties, the settlement of the case outside the court can be carried out thanks to the positive response from the community around the suspect's residence and the victim's residence also providing a positive response so that the case can be resolved out of court.

Therefore, Eldo who had been detained for 60 days at the Banyumas Police Rutan was finally released by the Purwokerto Kejari on Wednesday after a restorative justice approach was carried out.

"What the prosecutor did was based on the Attorney General's Regulation Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution based on Restorative Justice and the Circular Letter of JAM Pidum Number 01/E/EJP/02/2022 concerning the Implementation of Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice," said Kajari Sunarwan.

In addition to the case of cell phone theft, the Purwokerto Kejari has previously resolved forestry cases in Pekuncen District through a restorative justice approach.

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