SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government stated that the "Reading Al-Qur'an Congregational On The Spot" activity which will be held on Jalan Tunjungan, City of Heroes, East Java, by Arek Suroboyo Wani Jogo Agomo (Aswaja) was not licensed.

Head of the National Unity Division of the National Unity and Political Affairs Agency (Bangkesbangpol) of Surabaya City, Eko Budi Susilo, said that his party had not yet received a permit report from activities that had been crowded on social media and the wider community.

"In addition, because the City of Surabaya has officially established PPKM Level 1 and does not want crowds that could trigger the spread of active COVID-19 cases," said Eko as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 20.

Because of that, Eko regretted the existence of this activity because in the brochure that had been distributed, there was no clear information on who was in charge of the event "Reading the Qur'an in Congregation On The Spot" on the sidewalk along Jalan Tunjungan.

"We just don't want any person who intends to make noise, so that there will be inconvenience for religious people in the city of Surabaya to worship," he said.

To anticipate these activities, he continued, his party will continue to provide security with Muspika and the three pillars, namely the sub-district with the TNI-Polri, as well as community leaders.

"The public must know whether this religious activity is only for the general public or for political purposes," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Surabaya City Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) Muhammad Yazid said that the mass organization that held the Reading Al-Qur'an in Congregation on Jalan Tunjungan was an organization that was not registered or whose origin was unknown.

"So this is an obligation to maintain brotherhood (brotherhood) and togetherness, as well as to keep Surabaya peaceful and harmonious. Moreover, this event does not register permits with the police," said Yazid.

However, he also strongly supports activities that lead to religious diversity and harmony. However, he also regretted that the event did not know who the organizer was.

"Hopefully if this is carried out like Nuzulul Quran in educational institutions and it is clear the initiators and implementers of the activities, of course it will be very beneficial for the community," he said.

He added that although the city of Surabaya has officially implemented PPKM Level 1, religious activities must also prioritize health protocols.

"Moreover, this is being held on an unsuitable road, so as not to cause a commotion. We must continue to promote religious harmony," he said.

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