JAKARTA - The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that its military forces managed to locate the headquarters of the Ukrainian territorial defense formation, using a school building in Kherson.

"Russian troops found the headquarters of the territorial defense unit in the Kherson school. The territorial defense representatives used a children's educational institution as their place of placement and turned it into a fortress," the ministry said in a statement, citing TASS April 20.

The school itself and its basement are full of boxes filled with ammunition, weapons, as well as medicine and military supplies. Russian troops checked the site for mines and explosives.

All weapons and ammunition were confiscated by Russian troops. The kindergarten school building was handed over to local authorities after being cleared of explosives, the Defense Ministry said.

After withdrawing from the school, Ukrainian nationalists left several documents that helped Russian servicemen identify participants in the territorial defense in the city.

One of them showed the Russian soldier an armory and ammunition he had set up in the basement of a multi-apartment residential building in Kherson.

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He said the assault rifle and Kalashnikov bullets were kept in metal tubes sealed with polyurethane foam as protection against moisture.

"Kherson civilians provide assistance to Russian servicemen in the search for war criminals and nationalists, wishing peaceful life to return as soon as possible," the Russian Defense Ministry said.

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