JAKARTA - The attitude of the Indonesian House of Representatives and the government that continues to pass the Omnibus Law on Job Creation has become a target for citizens. In fact, a number of hashtags containing disappointment with the institution such as #DPRGoblok to #dprpenghianat and a number of satirical memes satiating the attitude of the political elite have continued to be uploaded by social media users, especially Twitter.

Executive Director of the Indonesia Political Review, Ujang Komarudin, assessed that this was the result of the enactment of the Job Creation Law, whose contents were still controversial and the discussion seemed rushed. In addition, the low public trust in the DPR and the government has recently deteriorated even further after the enactment of this polemic law.

"From the past, public trust in the government and the DPR has been low, plus after the enactment of the Ciptaker Omnibus Law, the mistrust has deepened," said Ujang when contacted by VOI , Wednesday, October 7.

Not only has an impact on institutions, he said, the passing of this law will also have an impact on political parties. Because people who are literate in technology and information may no longer trust the party elites who participated in the ratification of the law.

"This will have an impact on political parties. In the future, people may no longer trust the party elites who have hurt them," he said.

Even so, Ujang assessed that this impact is unlikely to have too much influence on the upcoming 2024 elections. This is because these parties and politicians will have various ways or strategies to win people's votes and even buy their votes.

Moreover, so far political parties have always been pragmatic and opportunistic. "So they can hurt the people today but in the future, at the election they will buy people's votes so they can win," he said.

So, in the future, Ujang hopes that the public must have the courage to refuse if they receive a dawn attack during the election, which is usually an envelope containing money or basic necessities. Because, this is what often makes political elites think that people's votes can be easily bought for their ambition.

Moreover, the envelopes of money or groceries given by politicians looking for face will not be comparable to laws that can be chaotic and not in accordance with the needs of society in the future.

"In the future, people do not want to be given envelopes or basic necessities during the election. Or if they do, take them but don't choose the person. Because don't accept an envelope containing only Rp. 50,000 but suffer for the next five years, like now with the passing of the Omnibus Law Bill. , labor or the people suffer forever without end, "he said.

It is known, the Indonesian Parliament passed the Work Creation Omnibus Law Draft (RUU). Approval was taken at the Plenary Meeting for the Closing of Session Period I of Session Year 2020-2021 at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, October 5.

The DPR at that time decided to knock on the bill despite opposition from the Democratic Faction and the Prosperous Justice Party.

"We need to convey, based on what we have seen and heard together. So once again I need approval in this plenary meeting forum. Can you agree?" Azis said before knocking the hammer of approval.

"Agreed," replied the board member accompanied by a hammer beat from the chairman of the meeting.

The ratification of the Work Creation Bill received approval from seven factions, namely PDIP, Gerindra, NasDem, PAN, PKB, PPP, and Golkar.

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