PALEMBANG - The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Palembang City, South Sumatra has prepared 2,000 packages of basic necessities or basic necessities for mosques, prayer rooms, orphanages, and people who are entitled to receive other assistance. starting to be distributed on April 26, 2022," said Chairman of the Palembang City Baznas Ridwan Nawawi, in Palembang, Tuesday, April 19. According to him, the basic food package contains 5 kg of rice, 1 kg of wheat, 1 liter of cooking oil, one can of milk and other basic necessities. can help people who have the right to meet their basic needs facing the fasting month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijri. Quoted from Antara, these social activities are strived to be carried out regularly with a larger number of target recipients. and more alms go to Baznas. Apart from the general public, bar in 107 sub-districts, his party seeks to take advantage of the potential of zakat, infaq, and alms from ASN ranks of the Palembang City Government. One way to increase zakat collection is by developing a Zakat Collection Unit (UPZ) to all urban villages. economically capable of being able to donate, give alms, and pay zakat through Baznas so that more and more poor people can be helped/assisted, said Ridwan Nawawi.

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