MEDAN - The candidate pair for mayor-vice mayor of Medan, Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi received support from the Ki Ta ethnic Chinese youth community and the Poor Community Network (Straw). Support was given because Akhyar-Salman was considered more rational.

This support was given when he visited Akhyar Nasution's house on Jalan Intertip, Medan. "Members of Ki Ta are young ethnic Chinese who are politically literate and care about the future development of Medan City," said Ki Ta coordinator, Steven in a written statement, Tuesday, October 6.

Akhyar welcomed this support as well as gave appreciation. "Thank you for supporting Akhyar-Salman. Politics is an option, "he said.

Akhyar said that Medan has complex problems so there needs to be a priority scale for handling problems in Medan City. Later, if Akhyar-Salman is elected to lead the city of Medan from the 9 December 2020 Pilkada, he will make a priority scale during his 3.5 year leadership.

"One thing for sure is to build a spirit of tolerance for Medan residents, in addition to physical development in various sectors," he said.

Meanwhile, the Secretary for the Winning of AMAN (Akhyar-Salman) Wasis Wiseso mentioned several reasons so that Medan residents deserve to support the Akhyar-Salman pair.

"This couple is a native Medan child who understands the character of Medan and crawls from below. So they can understand Medan residents well, with that they will also build Medan in accordance with the character and culture of our society, "he said.

Akhyar previously said that he was advancing with Salman not just to show himself. The Acting Mayor of Medan wants sustainable change in Medan.

"So we go forward for mayors and mayors not just to show off. If we are proud, we are all brave, I am the Acting Mayor, Pak Salman, the representative of the Provincial DPRD. We want to donate ourselves to residents of Medan City, "he said.

According to him, Medan's condition must be improved. Akhyar who is promoted by PKS and Democrats wants to create Medan Cantik.

“Medan is characterized by a comfortable, happy city for its citizens. This beautiful Medan vision is actually the idea to make Medan beautiful. If our city is beautiful, lots of people come, lots of activities, people will be happy. Many people come shopping, lots of business and our income increases, "he continued.

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