YOGYAKARTA - The Bantul Resort Police recommends that the Bantul Regency Government make a regional regulation (perda) that regulates curfew restrictions to prevent street crimes or klitih crimes, which have recently reoccurred.

"Making a regional regulation or inbup (regent's instructions) regarding curfew restrictions and social sanctions for underage street crimes," said Bantul Police Chief AKBP Ihsan at the Socialization of the Joint Circular Letter on the Integrated Movement for Street Crime Prevention in Bantul, reported by Antara, Monday, April 18th.

He also asked the local regulation to regulate efforts to maximize the role of the family, starting from the neighborhood level (RT) to the hamlet, in socializing the prevention of street crime through the Parental Child Care Movement.

In addition, he continued, it is necessary to add or install CCTV cameras at every street corner or crime-prone area, such as the southern ring road in the Banguntapan area.

He also asked that the coordination between the Bantul Education, Youth and Sports Office, regional apparatus organizations (OPD), and the Bantul Police must be established in the field of mental and character development for underage street criminals.

"The school should give stricter sanctions to students who are involved in school gangs, brawls, street crimes," he added. vulnerable.

"Socialization and appeals to the public in all timelines, with publications through social media, print media, and so on," he said.

Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary of Bantul, Helmi Jamharis, hoped that through the socialization of the Joint Circular on the Integrated Movement for the Prevention of Street Crime, the school principals would follow up by meeting with the guardians of students or the school committee, so that there would be joint prevention steps and efforts.

"When it comes to monitoring the situation and conditions, as conveyed by the Head of the Resort Police, the police will continue to maintain the continuity of patrol activities that are carried out at midnight, between 01.00 and 03.00 WIB," said Helmi.

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