JAKARTA - The public prosecutor (JPU) indicted six defendants in the case of beating Wiyanto Halim (89) grandfather to death, committing violence and destroying property.

"Reinaldi was charged with violence against the victim Wiyanto and his car, referring to Article 170 paragraph 2 3 and Article 170 paragraph 2 1," said Public Prosecutor Handri at the East Jakarta District Court, Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Monday, April 18.

Public Prosecutor Handri said the six defendants were Reinaldi, Muhammad Amar, Zulfikar, Tria Julian, Muhammad Yohan Prasetyo, and Muhammad Faisal.

Handri continued that the remaining five defendants were charged with violence or destruction of goods, namely the car belonging to Wiyanto Halim referring to Article 170 paragraph 2 1 and 170 paragraph 1.

"The indictment basically consists of six perpetrators who have been processed by law. So, based on the facts of the investigation, they committed violence against goods, their cars," said Handri.

Handri said that of the nine people who have been named as suspects, only six have entered the trial stage. The other three people are still under investigation.

"The six defendants, three of whom are suspected of provocation, are still in the process of being investigated," said Handri.

In a follow-up hearing with the agenda of examining witnesses at the East Jakarta District Court, on Monday, the Public Prosecutor also presented four witnesses.

They are Firza and Guritno Wahyu Utomo as the son and daughter-in-law of the late Wiyanto Halim. Two other witnesses were Muhammad Raihan and Chandra.

They were both co-defendants who at the time of the incident followed Wiyanto's car to Pulogadung, East Jakarta.

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