JAKARTA - Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin reminded the public that they must still be careful and be aware of the spread of COVID-19. This step can be done while still implementing health protocols, including wearing masks.

This was conveyed by Budi Gunadi after undergoing a limited meeting with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the ranks of ministries and institutions today, Monday, April 18.

"Our President's directives remain cautious and vigilant. Don't be arrogant, don't be arrogant," Budi said in a press conference broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Monday, April 18.

Budi agrees that with the current easing, people can carry out mobility. However, the use of masks to fulfill the obligation to carry out health protocols must still be carried out.

Moreover, in the mirror of many countries, the number of cases has actually increased after experiencing a slope. Thus, Indonesia does not intend to imitate other countries which have now begun to relax the use of masks.

"There's a lot we don't know about this virus and neighboring countries, big countries like China, Hong Kong, cases are still rising high," he said.

"We continue to be disciplined in wearing masks, there is no need to rush to follow other countries that are too aggressive (easing, ed) but then rise again. Unfortunately, the momentum for improvement that we have achieved and this will also encourage future economic growth momentum, " added Budi.

According to the Minister of Health, the use of masks has now gradually become a lifestyle. Many mothers, he continued, often match the color of the clothes or hijab used with the color of their masks.

"The masks have become a lifestyle, I see. Mothers with brown headscarves, brown masks. Yellow headscarves, yellow masks. So this is not something strange anymore," he concluded.

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