YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta City Government has ensured that it will impose strict sanctions on various violations of services that harm tourists, including “nuthuk” trishaws or charging extra-ordinary fares. tourist complaints. We will act quickly," said Yogyakarta Deputy Mayor Heroe Poerwadi in Yogyakarta, Monday, April 18. The Integrated Team will follow up on complaints from tourists in accordance with established operational standards, starting with clarification. will be immediately punished. “Violators are not allowed to operate in the Malioboro area and even in other areas. Sanctions can be temporary or permanent,” he said. Heroe also said that he had asked all community leaders or service business associations to regulate their members. If many members violate this, the community or association could also be threatened with sanctions.

"Starting from a warning or even harsher sanctions," he said, quoted by Antara. According to him, strict sanctions are needed to provide a deterrent effect because the actions of these irresponsible persons have the potential to damage the image of tourism in Yogyakarta. or the Quick Response Team can follow up on every complaint that comes in, so a clear and complete report is needed. “Sometimes, incoming reports are not supported by clear identities or evidence so that tracing cases becomes difficult. Sometimes, reports are also submitted a few days after the incident," he said. Tourists can use the Jogja Smart Service (JSS) application to submit reports or complaints about tourism services or can go directly to Jogoboro, a security officer, along Malioboro. , complaints for rickshaws charging unreasonable rates are often directed at motorized tricycles, while for pedal rickshaws it is rarer. So tourists should not be forced to come with the help of pedicab drivers. On the contrary, it will backfire badly on the shop," he said. Although there have been several cases of tariff "nuthuk" pedicabs, Heroe believes that there are still many pedicab or carriage drivers and gift shops that provide good service to tourists. "The cases that emerged came from from irresponsible people. Just a few," he said. Meanwhile, the Head of the Yogyakarta City Transportation Service, Agus Arif, said that coaching for rickshaw and carriage drivers had often been carried out. The violation is just the work of a single person," he said. According to him, tourists who will use a becak or carriage need to make a tariff agreement with the pedal or coachman before boarding because the two types of vehicles do not have a special route route. sides. But if tourists feel disadvantaged because there is a violation of the initial agreement, such as a pedicab driver who suddenly asks for more fare, then it must be reported. It can be criminalized," he said.

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