JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the DPR from the National Mandate Party (PAN) faction, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, said that the United States (US) Department of Foreign Affairs' report on alleged human rights violations in the PeduliLindung application must be answered.

Saleh said it was important for the government to provide answers to these allegations. Moreover, the PeduliLindung application, which is used to track the spread of COVID-19, stores people's personal data, from full names, population identification numbers (NIK), to travel traces.

"This accusation cannot be taken lightly. Moreover, the PeduliLindung application is allegedly storing people's data illegally and without permission," Saleh said in a written statement to reporters, Saturday, April 16.

The chairman of the PAN faction in the DPR asked the government to be proactive in providing an explanation. Do not let, continued Saleh, this issue rolled more widely, especially abroad.

He reminded that the alleged violation of human rights should not degrade Indonesia's position, which has been serious in handling the spread of COVID-19. Not only that, Indonesia is also known as the largest democratic country.

Therefore, it is necessary to explain in more detail about the alleged violations of human rights in this PeduliLindung application. One explanation can be submitted to the non-governmental organization (NGO) which is the reference for the issuance of this report.

"From the report, the allegations of human rights violations were originally voiced by NGOs. Although the names of the NGOs were not mentioned, the government should have known. Moreover, these NGOs are said to have written a letter of protest to the government regarding this matter," he said.

"In my opinion, these NGOs should be talked to. They should be invited to discuss. At the same time, they should explain about the application of caring to protect this," added Saleh.

If from the results of this discussion, it turns out that human rights violations have occurred, the government must conduct an evaluation. In fact, if necessary the use of this application is stopped.

"If it is concluded from the discussion that there is a violation of human rights, the government must immediately evaluate it. If necessary, immediately close the application," said Saleh.

"I also haven't seen the direct benefits of this application in curbing the spread of the virus. What exists, this application only functions to record the vaccination status of residents. Likewise, to record people who have COVID. As for how to use the data to protect citizens, I am not clear myself. This needs to be opened to the public in a transparent and open manner," he explained.

Previously reported, the United States Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted a number of problems that occurred in Indonesia. This is stated in the report on human rights practices in Indonesia.

Quoted from the website of the United States Embassy in Indonesia, one of the human rights issues that has been in the spotlight is the PeduliLindung application which was launched by the Government since March 2020.

In the report, human rights violations from the PeduliLindung application fall into the category of 'Arbitrariness or Legal Crimes related to Privacy, Family, Home, or Correspondence'. This is known to the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs on reports from a number of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

"A number of NGOs are concerned that information is being collected through an application and the data is stored and used by the government," the English-language report said.

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