JAKARTA - North Korea (North Korea) celebrated the 110th anniversary of the birth of the late leader Kim Il Sung on Friday with fireworks and a night party in the main square of the capital Pyongyang.

Thousands of residents in colorful traditional clothes also enlivened the party while singing and dancing.

"Day of the Sun" is the largest annual holiday in North Korea. Kim, who died in 1994, founded the authoritarian regime now led by his grandson, Kim Jong Un.

This holiday marks 110 years since Kim Il Sung was born on April 15, 1912, and North Korea usually holds big celebrations every five and 10 years.

Leader Kim Jong Un visited his grandfather's grave and attended "national gatherings and public processions" at Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung Square, but did not deliver a speech.

A senior official spoke at the meeting. He said that North Korea will overcome all difficulties and always achieve glory, state news agency KCNA reported as reported by Antara.

State media broadcast a live broadcast of the evening party in the square just after sunset on Friday, but did not show the usually awaited military parade.

Other activities that were also held were concerts, art exhibitions, and ideological seminars.

A modest festival opened in downtown Pyongyang, featuring dancing fountains and floats on the Taedong River, according to KCNA.

The festival "artistically depicts" Kim Il Sung's original home and "the holy mountain of revolution, Paektu", KCNA said.

Residents can take pictures in front of the gate illuminated with words such as "Pyongyang is the Best" and "We are the happiest in the world".

North Korea's economy has been hit by border closures and international sanctions over the country's developed nuclear and missile programs. Aid agencies have warned of a potential humanitarian crisis there.

Earlier this week, Kim Jong Un gifted new apartments to a number of elites loyal to him, including a famous TV presenter. He also attended the opening of a large community housing project.

International monitors said commercial satellite imagery showed preparations for a military parade ahead of the holiday, but there was no confirmation of the parade until late Friday.

The celebrations came after North Korea resumed its largest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test in March, the first since 2017.

South Korea (South Korea) and the United States (US) have said there are indications that North Korea could soon resume testing its nuclear weapons as well. Testing of weapons is often carried out in conjunction with important holidays.

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