Attending Bukber PWI Jakarta, Pangdam Jaya Happy To Partner With Journalists
General Chairperson of the Central PWI Atal Sembiring Depari spoke with the Jaya Regional Commander Maj. Gen. Untung Budiharto at the PWI Bukber event in Jakarta. (PWI Jaya Doc)

JAKARTA - The friendly atmosphere colored the iftar event with the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), at the PWI Jaya Secretariat, Prasada Sasana Karya Building, Suryopranoto, Friday 15 April. The bukber event was attended by the General Chairperson of the Central PWI Atal Sembiring Depari, the Jaya Regional Commander Maj. Gen. Untung Budiharto, the Deputy Chairman of the Press Council, Hendry Ch. Bangun, as well as the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes. Pol. Endra Zulpan, SIK, M.Sc., Sri Andini, member of the Advisory Board of PWI Jakarta and Secretary General of Walubi Banthe Kanit Sananno Mahathera.

Chairman of PWI Jaya Sayid Iskandarsyah expressed his appreciation for the presence of partners, which proves there is a good synergy. "In the future, the cooperation is certainly expected to be even better," said Sayid Iskandarsyah.

Pangdam Jaya Major General TNI Untung Budiharto conveyed his congratulations on the successful implementation of all events related to the commemoration of the 2022 National Press Day (HPN).

"I am always happy to partner with the press. These journalists are heroes of democracy," said Pangdam Jaya.

Pangdam Jaya Mayjen TNI Untung Budiharto bersama pengurus PWI Jakarta. (Foto Dok PWI Jaya)
Pangdam Jaya Maj. Gen. Untung Budiharto with PWI Jakarta administrators. (Photo of PWI Jaya Doc)

He appreciated the media's increasingly important task, and in the future it will be even more difficult. Pangdam Jaya hinted at the political years that the Indonesian nation would face.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has indeed decreased, but the demonstrations have actually increased. We have to act wisely. The press plays a big role in preventing hoaxes," said the Pangdam.

“Journalists are pillars of democracy. We have seen flashbacks of the Indonesian nation from the beginning until now. Journalists are very important because they become pillars in educating the nation,” continued Pangdam Jaya, who was accompanied by Kapendam Jaya Lt. Col. CPM Dwi Indra Wirawan.

Pangdam Jaya added that the information that can be given to the public generates thoughts and then proceeds with action.

Pangdam Jaya Mayjen TNI Untung Budiharjo menerima plakat dari Ketua PWI Jakarta Sayid Iskandarsyah didampingi Tubagus Adhi. (Foto Dok PWI Jaya)
Pangdam Jaya Maj. Gen. Untung Budiharjo received a plaque from the Chairman of PWI Jakarta, Sayid Iskandarsyah, accompanied by Tubagus Adhi. (Photo of PWI Jaya Doc)

"This is very important because we have the same responsibility, of course, to maintain the existence of this nation in the future. Don't let it be in our time, or in our children's, our grandchildren's times, so that this country becomes, therefore we are all responsible with each other's roles and I think the role of journalists is very important from the start of the commotion, processing, to the presentation of news, ” explained Pangdam Jaya, who ended his remarks by saying "Pancasila greetings".

Pangdam Jaya received the PWI Jaya Charter for cooperation in organizing the Pangdam Jaya Cup Golf Tournament, last March 20 at Rancamaya, Ciawi, Bogor. The charter was handed over to Sayid Iskandarsyah accompanied by Tubagus Adhi, the chairman of the golf tournament committee.

On the other hand, Pangdam Jaya also gave a charter which was accepted by Sayid Iskandarsyah. "It has my name on it," said Pangdam Jaya Maj. Gen. TNI Untung Budiharto, smiling.

Also giving a speech at the Bukber PWI Jakarta General Chairperson of PWI Pusat Atal S. Depari, Deputy Chairman of the Press Council Hendry Ch Bangun, Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes. Pol. Endra Zulpan, SIK, M.Sc., and Sri Andini, members of PWI Jaya's Advisory Board and Commissioner of PT Bukit Pembangkit Innovative.

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