JAKARTA - A woman sexually abused a dog. He was fined £ 543 by the Worms district court, 45 miles outside Frankfurt, Germany.

The woman recorded herself having sexual intercourse with a boxer dog before sharing it on internet forums.

Christian V - his name has been changed for legal reasons - comes from the Alzey-Worms district.

Launching the Daily Star, Tuesday, October 6, an unnamed person submitted the video in 2018 and sent it to PETA Deutschland eV

This is the German division of the animal rights organization, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The video footage clearly shows the faces of the women involved.

PETA later reported this to the public prosecutor's office in Mainz, which conducted an investigation into the woman for two offenses.

Such offenses include violating animal protection laws, as well as distributing pornographic material involving animals.

Christian V was later fined £ 543, he immediately filed an appeal.

However, because he did not attend the hearing at the Worms district court, no appeal process could be carried out.

The court then ruled that the previous fine had to be upheld.

Dr Edmund Haferbeck, head of PETA's legal department said: "Although this process is time consuming, we are happy that the defendant has to pay the fine.

"Animal abuse and distribution of this video material must be severely condemned.

PETA Deutschland eV was founded in late 1993. It is a partner organization to PETA USA, the world's largest animal rights organization.

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