BALIKPAPAN - Commander of Kodam VI Mulawarman Major General TNI Teguh Pudjo Rumekso inaugurated 233 student soldiers to become Indonesian Army soldiers with the rank of Private Two (Prada), Thursday, April 14.

The soldiers have successfully completed the Army's First Enrollment Education Phase II in 2021 which lasted for five months at the Mulawarman VI Mulawarman Military Command (Rindam) Main Regiment in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan.

The inauguration took place virtually with the Military Commander Teguh Rumekso in the Yudha Room at the Mulawarman Military Command Headquarters in Balikpapan and the soldiers who were sworn in at the Loyalist Building of the Rindam Command Headquarters in Banjarbaru. Prada Dwiky Agus Wibisana was chosen as the best student of this batch.

"Congratulations and good luck to all of you. Continue to increase faith and piety to Allah SWT, live and practice the Sapta Marga, the Soldier's Oath and the 8 Mandatory TNI, be the proud soldiers of the Indonesian Army in carrying out their duties," said Pangdam Teguh to the soldiers, most of whom are still in their late teens.

Pangdam Teguh added that the basic knowledge and skills of soldiers who have been taught by the trainer are the basic provisions to carry out their duties as enlisted soldiers. This knowledge will continue to be supplemented with basic branch education. Panglima Teguh Rumekso also reminded that the student soldiers who come from various circles have experienced a change in social status from being civilians to being members of the military. The change in status, apart from being the pride of the family, also demands high awareness and discipline.

"Love yourself and your family by avoiding all forms of violations," said the Commander.

The education of enlisted soldiers in the Indonesian Army is conditional upon having graduated from Junior High School (SMP) and the equivalent, the age at registration is not younger than 17 years and 9 months. If they pass the administrative requirements, enlisted candidates must then undergo a physical health test, mental ideology, and psychological test before taking basic military education and training.

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