PPATK: Most Money Laundering Found In Corruption Cases, Number Two Drugs
Head of the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (PPATK) Ivan Yustiavandana/DOK VIA ANTARA

JAKARTA - The Head of the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (PPATK) Ivan Yustiavandana revealed that the most cases of money laundering in Indonesia are found in criminal acts of corruption and narcotics crimes.

"The corruption and narcotics crimes are the two results of our National Risk Assessment (NRA) risk map and the method has been changed several times, up to three times and shows the same results," said Ivan as quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 14.

Apart from these two crimes, money laundering cases are also found in forestry crimes, taxation, banking, capital markets, and others.

All of these criminal acts became a challenge for PPATK which was formulated based on the NRA which was made together with 18 other agencies.

NRA money laundering has been implemented since 2015 and since then money laundering cases tend to be found in corruption and narcotics crimes.

"Indonesia is not alone, several countries have also found the same results regarding criminal acts with the most cases of money laundering," he said.

Ivan emphasized that corruption must be explored further in order to find other unsolved money laundering cases.

Money laundering is an attempt to hide or disguise the origin and or purpose of the use of assets resulting from criminal acts, so that the assets appear as if they originate from legitimate activities.

The purpose of money laundering is to hide money or assets obtained from the proceeds of crime, avoid lawsuits, and increase profits illegally.

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