JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) is pushing for the acceleration of the ratification of the Bill on the Protection of Domestic Workers (RUU PPRT), which is still sitting in parliament.

"The PPRT Bill has been dormant for a long time, it's time to wake it up again. KSP is ready to provide full support," said Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko at a coordination meeting to accelerate the discussion and ratification of the PPRT Bill in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, April 14.

Moeldoko hopes that the ratification of the PPRT Bill will fill the legal vacuum to protect domestic workers and give domestic workers a sense of security from acts of discrimination, exploitation, and harassment.

Citing data from Jala PRT, said Moeldoko, during 2018-2020 there were 1,743 cases of violence against domestic workers.

The data, according to him, has shown the urgency of the PPRT Bill to be ratified immediately.

"So that there are clear rules regarding the rights and obligations of domestic workers, heads of families, and their channeling institutions," Moeldoko said. politically.

According to him, it takes hard work and strong collaboration between ministries/institutions as well as support from civil society.

"This requires a task force that involves many parties, including civil society. The management for its formation is immediately formulated. For how it works, we can adopt how the TPKS Bill Task Force team works," said Moeldoko.

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