BEKASI REGENCY - Kalimalang Inspection Road, Sukadanau intersection, West Cikarang District, Bekasi Regency, is prone to traffic jams due to road repairs for Lebaran 2022 travelers.

Kasatlantas Polres Metro Bekasi Police Commissioner Arga Dija Putra said that at this point road repairs were being carried out so that it often caused traffic jams. Road users are asked to find alternative routes.

"In fact, the Kalimalang route has several points of repair being carried out by the Highways Service. That is the cause of the traffic jam," he said in Cikarang, Thursday.

He said long traffic jams usually occur during the hours of going to and coming home from work. His party has placed personnel to regulate traffic with local transportation service officers.

"The flow of vehicles is quite a lot at certain hours, morning and evening, beyond that, the queue is not too long and members have made traffic arrangements at the location," he said.

Arga appealed to the entire community and road users to look for alternative routes to avoid traffic jams during the road repair process.

"We suggest for the time being that motorists look for other alternative routes while waiting for the repair work to be completed," he said.

The Bekasi Regency Water Resources, Bina Marga, and Construction Development Service (DSDABMBK) has started to repair roads in the Kalimalang section which is part of its territory using the patchwork method at a number of road damage points.

The damaged roads are spread over four sub-districts, namely South Tambun, Cibitung, West Cikarang, and Central Cikarang with a total road damage of around 3,900 square meters.

The road repair budget is allocated from the Bekasi Regency 2022 APBD worth Rp 3 billion with an estimated 10 days of work starting from April 12-22 or completed on D-10 Lebaran.

"Repairs are carried out only at damaged points, not all. We do this repair to ensure that travelers are safe while driving," said Head of the Highways Division at the Bekasi Regency DSDABMBK Heru Pranoto.

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