SUMSEL - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of South Sumatra Province (Sumsel) predicts the potential for heavy rain in the early hours of the morning in several regencies/cities.

The areas that have the potential for heavy forest include the districts of Musi Banyuasin, Banyuasin, Palembang, Muara Enim, Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) and Ogan Ilir. However, there are also areas that have the potential for light rain in the early hours of the morning, namely Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir (PALI), Prabumulih and East Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU).

Meanwhile, in the morning, following the Antara report, the weather is forecast to be cloudy, with the potential for moderate rain in the OKI and Musi Banyuasin areas. Then the potential for light rain in the Banyuasin, PALI, Muara Enim, Musi Rawas and North Musi Rawas areas.

From the afternoon to evening, the weather is forecasted to be cloudy with the potential for moderate rain in the Lahat and South OKU areas. Meanwhile, the potential for light rain is in the areas of North Musi Rawas, Pagar Alam, Muara Enim, OKU, OKI, and Palembang.

In the evening, the weather is forecasted to be cloudy, with the potential for moderate to heavy rain in the areas of Muara Enim, OKU, PALI, Musi Banyuasin, and Prabumulih. Meanwhile, the potential for light rain is in the areas of Musi Rawas, Lahat, East OKU, South OKU, Ogan Ilir, and Banyuasin.

The air temperature in the low-lying areas of South Sumatra around Palembang, Banyuasin, Musi Banyuasin, Ogan Ilir and OKI ranges from 23–33 °C, humidity is 60-98 percent.

The air temperature in the highlands of South Sumatra around Pagar Alam, Empat Lawang, Lubuk Linggau, Lahat, and South OKU ranges from 19–to 32°C, humidity is 60 percent-100 percent.

Wind from Southeast-West at a speed of 5–20 km/hour.

The sea wave height in the Gelasa Strait is 0.1 - 0.5 meters, the northern part of the Bangka Strait and the southern part of the Bangka Strait is 0.5-1.25 m. The weather is forecast to be cloudy to light rain. The wind direction is from East-South at a speed of 5-22 km/hour.

Based on the weather forecast, the BMKG issued an early warning to be aware of the potential for rain with moderate to the heavy intensity which can be accompanied by lightning/lightning and strong winds of short duration from morning to evening in the Musi Banyuasin, OKI, Lahat and South OKU areas.

Then at night until early morning in the OKU, PALI, Prabumulih, Musi Banyuasin, Banyuasin, Palembang, Muara Enim, OKI and Ogan Ilir areas.

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