SEMARANG - Ahead of the 2022 Easter celebrations, the Central Java Regional Police have prepared thousands of security personnel from various police functions. Each regional unit is ordered to go all out and not be negligent so that potential vulnerabilities can be minimized.

"Easter security will be carried out maximally by each police station or regional unit. Personnel from Brimob are also deployed for the sterilization process of places of worship and so on," said Head of Central Java Police Humas Kombes Pol M Iqbal Alqudusy, in a written statement, Wednesday, April 13.

It is estimated that around 3500 Christian and Catholic churches in Central Java will carry out Easter celebrations. While the Central Java Police personnel involved for security amounted to 24 thousand.

"The involvement of personnel in the task of securing Easter is adjusted to the needs and estimates of vulnerability in each city/district area," he said.

Iqbal also said that the Central Java Police Chief had also ordered the ranks to coordinate with the TNI and the local government, and asked church administrators to establish internal security.

Security from the church is very helpful in screening and identifying the congregation who will attend worship in each church.

"We are empowering all the potential from elements of the apparatus, the church and the community to help make Easter security run optimally," said Iqbal.

Regarding the security strategy, the police have prepared steps so as not to be missed.

"Each church that holds Mass or Service will be guarded by Polri personnel, both open and closed. The personnel are also equipped with firearms. The application in the field will be adjusted according to the level of vulnerability, location, number of church congregations and so on," added Iqbal.

Prior to the worship service, the National Police will sterilize the church and ensure that there are no suspicious objects and other things that are dangerous.

"Places such as cathedrals and large churches, sterilization is carried out by the Gegana Explosives Disposal Team (Jhandak) from the Mobile Brigade and Unit K-9. Personnel are also stationed at the location for 1x24 hours," he said.

In essence, Iqbal continued, the Central Java Police were all out in securing the 2022 Easter celebrations.

"Security is carried out maximally but proportionally. We are all out but also pay attention to the comfort of residents who worship. Hopefully Easter celebrations in Central Java will run safely and without disturbance.

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