BOGOR - The Bogor Regency DPRD has finished inspecting the results of the arrangement of the city center area or the Bogor Regency Government's 'City Beautification Project' program.

The chairman of the Bogor Regency DPRD, Rudy Susmanto, said that his party would hold a hearing (RDP) after reviewing the results of the arrangement.

"The DPRD will invite relevant stakeholders to the RDP which will be held next," said Rudy in Cibinong, Bogor, Tuesday, April 12.

According to him, in the upcoming RDP, the DPRD wants to find a solution regarding several findings from the inspection conducted on Monday 11 April afternoon, ranging from the chaos of cables on the Sentul Alternative Street pedestrian, to the narrowing of the road body in several bridges.

He assessed that there are still shortcomings that interfere with the aesthetics of providing public facilities that have the potential to cause accidents for motorists and pedestrians.

"We hope that all Bogor Regency OPDs will improve the quality of planning and implementation of programs that are directly related to the community so that they can be carried out as well as possible, the goal is that we can serve the people of Bogor Regency to the maximum," said Rudy.

Deputy Chairperson of the Bogor Regency DPRD, Agus Salim, said that from the data on the Bogor Regency Government's Accountability Report (LKPj) in 2021 the absorption was good, but the results were not followed by the quality of the construction.

"The absorption of the normative budget is quite high. However, the DPRD is not only based on data presentation, we want to see directly between the planning design and its realization in the field. Because we want the best," said Agus Salim.

He regretted that the construction of infrastructure projects that cost a large amount of money was not carried out optimally.

"The budget is whole-hearted, but the work is half-hearted. Such as the construction of the Pancakarsa Monument and the Sentul-Kandang Roda alternative road where the Transportation Agency, PUPR, DKPP are involved, we see that it is not optimal," he explained.

Deputy Chairperson of the Bogor Regency DPRD, Wawan Hikal Kurdi, assessed that there was a coordination problem between regional apparatus organizations (OPD) as service users and consultants and contractors as service providers.

According to him, in project implementation, OPD needs to coordinate intensely with planning consultants and supervisors to evaluate the development stages by stage. "If the results of the development are not in accordance with the planning consultant, then the SKPD must optimize the maintenance guarantee from the service provider," he said.

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