JAKARTA - Kembangan Polsek and its three pillars dispersed the crowd of chirping bird competition at Intercon Field, Kembangan, West Jakarta, Sunday, October 4.

Dozens of people took part in the chirping competition, resulting in a crowd.

"We are carrying out the dissolution of this singing bird competition in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19," said Kembangan Police Chief, Kompol Imam Irawan in Jakarta.

According to Imam, the crowd has the potential to become a point of spreading COVID-19 in his area.

Imam added that crowds of people could potentially ignore physical distance from each other.

When disbanded, the police made persuasive efforts so that the participants and spectators of the singing bird race immediately disperse.

"After the activity is stopped and the visitors leave the location, they are then given guidance to bird race organizers not to carry out chirping bird competition activities to prevent the spread of the Corona virus," he said.

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