JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said the government's action plan to deal with the 2022 Eid homecoming flow was 100 percent ready.

Moeldoko in a written statement to the press in Jakarta, Tuesday, said the readiness of the action plan can be seen from all infrastructure, including sea, air and land transportation, including toll roads and non-toll roads, traffic management, fuel availability. oil, electricity to the implementation of health protocols and COVID-19 vaccinations.

"From the reports of each ministry, it shows that the action plan for readiness to face the homecoming flow is 100 percent, it just needs coordination and collaboration between ministries/agencies," said Moeldoko after chairing the Coordination Meeting of the Presidential Staff Office with the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health. Energy and Mineral Resources, the National Police, the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, and a number of related institutions, Tuesday 12 April.

The government is ready to realize safe homecoming services and healthy homecoming services, said Moeldoko.

He emphasized the importance of each relevant ministry/institution to optimize the Lebaran homecoming service. According to him, this year's homecoming is very crucial because it is estimated that there will be mobility of 85.5 million travelers who have high euphoria because in the last two years they did not go home.

Therefore, Moeldoko asked the officers in the field to be alert, responsive, and able to take quick steps to overcome all problems in the field.

“The apparatus must also provide comfort to travelers, not to annoy them because of traffic jams, annoyance because finding fuel is difficult, and finding toilets is difficult. All of this must be anticipated. The point is, don't give the perception that the government can't regulate going home," he said.

He reminded the direction of Indonesian President Joko Widodo that health protocols during homecoming activities must be implemented, including vaccine requirements.

The implementation of health protocol provisions and vaccine requirements for going home must refer to one regulation so that implementation in the field does not vary and does not confuse the public. "Don't let land travel be different from air and sea. The rules must be one, must be the same. "He said. The implementation of health protocols and vaccinations, he said, must be carried out as quickly as possible so as not to cause congestion.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) estimates that the peak flow of Lebaran homecoming on April 29, 2022 coincides with the start of collective leave.

In the 2022 Eid homecoming flow, there is the potential for national movement to reach 31.6 percent of the Indonesian population or as many as 85.5 million people.

Of this number, East Java became the area of origin for the most trips, namely 14.6 million people, then the areas of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) 14.0 million people, Central Java 12.1 million people, West Java 9.2 million people, and North Sumatra 4.0 million people.

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