JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives from the PDIP Fraction, Masinton Pasaribu, asked the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investments, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, to immediately resign from his position. The reason is that Luhut has spread false information or hoaxes related to people's data who want to postpone the 2024 Election.

As a result, the public was angry to the point where the students held rallies at the Palace and the House of Representatives Building during the April 11 demonstration yesterday.

The noise about the postponement of the election that was echoed by the ministers and the political elite also forced President Joko Widodo to again voice his rejection of the discourse of postponing the election. Finally, the President emphasized that the 2024 General Election would not be postponed.

"When there was a wave of rejection of the extension of the presidential term of office. Finally, President Jokowi reiterated clearly and clearly that there is no plan to postpone the election or extend the presidential term", Masinton said in his statement, quoted on Tuesday, April 12.

The PDIP politician called Jokowi's attitude the responsibility of a leader to take over the mess his subordinates made. Masinton also described his assistant as being arrogant and acting arbitrarily.

"President Jokowi's chivalrous attitude is a form of responsibility for a leader to take over the actions of his subordinates who are arrogant and arbitrary to the people", he continued.

Masinton also questioned the direction of the Coordinating Minister to the elite who later supported the discourse of three presidential terms. In fact, he said, the Coordinating Ministers for Jokowi do not have the authority to talk about politics.

"The question is where is the coordinating minister who garnered false support for the three presidential terms? Where is the nose of the arrogant minister who pretends to be the most powerful?", he said.

"Why didn't the coordinating minister explain to the public and the masses action against the extension of the 3rd term of office of the president. That the idea above did not come from President Jokowi, but himself as the coordinating minister who actually has no authority in the political field", he continued.

Masinton then suggested that the coordinating minister who had spread the big data issue of postponing the election resign from his position as Jokowi's assistant.

"When the president chivalrously takes over the responsibility and straightens out the actions of his subordinates and the arbitrariness of his subordinates. The coordinating minister should chivalrously step down from all his positions. Moreover, he has spread big data 'hoaxes' to the Indonesian people", said Masinton.

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