JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ensures that employees will remain independent even though they will change their status as state civil servants (ASN). This statement was conveyed by KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata in response to concerns from a number of parties, including from their own employees.

"This is always a question, as if ASN is not independent. We ensure that in corruption investigations, the KPK remains independent, is guaranteed by the KPK Law and there is no intervention from any party," Alexander said in a press conference that was broadcast online, Friday, September 2.

This independence, he continued, also applies to police investigators and prosecutors. "They work independently, there is no relationship between the status of ASN KPK employees and the implementation of their duties," he said.

In addition to the issue of employee independence, the former ad hoc judge at the Corruption Crime Court (Tipikor) also ensures that the transfer of employment status will not change the work pattern that has existed in anti-graft institutions.

"KPK investigators, investigators, prosecutors are still accountable to the leadership of the KPK, nothing must be reported to the prosecutor's office, it remains the domain and authority of the KPK, namely the KPK leadership," he said.

Currently, the process of transferring KPK employee status based on the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019, continued Alex, is still being discussed internally as well as their own employees.

The matter of the status transition mechanism will later be regulated through a Commission Regulation. But he ensures that this transition will not be like the recruitment of civil servants in general.

Alex even said that there was one condition that was not used in the process, namely the maximum age requirement of 35 years for employees to be appointed as ASN.

Meanwhile, regarding salaries and allowances, said Alex, the KPK HR Bureau is currently discussing a draft Presidential Regulation regarding this matter. In fact, the KPK has prepared an MoU with the State Administration Agency (LAN) related to increasing the capability of KPK employees through education and training for filling positions and structures.

"We plan to sign off on October 6 between the KPK leadership and the State Administration Institute," he concluded.

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