JAKARTA - Indonesia received technological innovation assistance in the form of a smart classroom worth 1.2 million yuan or around IDR 2.7 billion from the Chinese Ministry of Education.

"This assistance is only given to the Indonesian government", said Yaya Sutarya, the Attaché for Education and Culture at the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing, as quoted by Antara, Sunday, April 10.

The provision of educational facilities assistance to Indonesia, he continued, was based on the consideration of good relations with China, especially in the fields of education, culture, research, and technology.

Smart classroom is an information technology innovation that can be used for remote or virtual teaching and learning activities.

"This innovation is to foster interest in learning Mandarin and improve the quality of virtual learning for Mandarin teachers at all levels of education in Indonesia", said Yaya.

He detailed the assistance that the Indonesian government would receive in the form of big data (big data) services, cloud computing, the internet of things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI).

The assistance will be distributed to 24 educational institutions from high school/vocational school level, polytechnics, to universities in Indonesia.

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