JAKARTA - The Governor of North Kalimantan Zainal Arifin Paliwang is fighting for the status of honorary Teachers and Education Personnel (GTK) to become Government Employees with a Work Agreement (PPPK).

“We have to prioritize GTK workers whose status is still honorarium to become PPPK. Especially those who have served for a long time," said Zainal in Tanjung Selor, Bulungan, Kaltara, quoted from Antara, Saturday 9 April.

According to him, there are humanitarian considerations, especially for those who have served in remote areas with difficult natural situations faced every day.

This, he said, had been conveyed during the Hearing Meeting (RDP) of the Commission X Commission X of the House of Representatives (DPR) regarding the evaluation of the results of the PDP Teacher Selection and the study/scheme for the completion of the GTK and PPPK Formation in Jakarta, Thursday 7 April.

In front of the House of Representatives Committee X Commission X, the Governor said that GTK workers who were still on honorary status had priority to be appointed as PPPK. He saw that there were still many GTK workers in Kaltara that had to be fought for to become PPPK.

The governor also asked the House of Representatives Commission X Committee to consider the proposal for expensive allowances for all GTK workers in Kaltara. This is one of the efforts to make teachers prosperous.

"The Kaltara Provincial Government has provided additional incentives for honorary GTK in SMA/SMK/SLB amounting to Rp. 550 thousand per month," he said.

However, due to budget constraints, it is hoped that the central government will also reconsider so that the presence of the state for educators is truly felt by them.

In connection with the availability of a budget for the salaries of first aid teachers, the provincial government has allocated IDR 8.4 billion for 2021.

This is stated in the Circular (SE) of the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance (DJPK), Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No. S-98/PK/2021. Meanwhile, for 2022, Rp. 18.2 billion has been allocated in accordance with SE DJPK No. S-204/PK/2021.

"The provincial government has also proposed as many as 464 PPPK formations in 2022 to the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB)," said Zainal

This is based on the Letter of the Governor of North Kalimantan Number 800/1100/2.1-BKD dated November 15, 2021 regarding Submission of ASN Needs for the Provincial Government. The details are 112 teacher teacher training assistance formations and 352 non-teacher PPPK formations.

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