MEDAN - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) appreciates the steps taken by the North Sumatra Police to detain eight suspects in the case of the death of the occupants of a human cage in the private house of the Regent of Langkat.

"Appreciate the law enforcement steps that have been taken regarding this case. Cases related to the criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO) and others in the human cage case can be investigated thoroughly," said Head of Legal Division of Komnas HAM Gatot Ristianto at the North Sumatra Police Headquarters reported by Antara, Friday, April 8th.

Gatot said the detention of the eight suspects in the human cage case had fulfilled the sense of justice in human rights.

"Of course Komnas HAM hopes that the community can provide information if there is something new in the case. There is no need to be afraid, and we and the North Sumatra Police will coordinate to complete the settlement of the case," he said.

Previously, investigators from the Criminal Investigation Directorate of the North Sumatra Police detained eight suspects in the case of the death of the occupants of a human cage in the private house of the inactive regent of Langkat Terbit Angin Angin Plan (TRP).

"The detention of the eight suspects was after investigators carried out an investigation up to the investigation as well as the results of coordination with LPSK and Komnas HAM," said North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General RZ Panca Putra Simanjuntak in his statement in Medan.

The Kapolda said the eight suspects, namely HG, DP, JS, RG, TS.SP, IS, and HS were detained for the next 20 days at the North Sumatra Police Detention Center.

Panca said that investigators had detained eight suspects since Thursday (7/4).

"As of last night eight people have been named as suspects in the human cage case. Investigators have made detentions at the North Sumatra Police Detention Center," he said.

The detentions will be carried out for the next 20 days, said the North Sumatra Police Chief who was accompanied by the National Police Commissioner Benny Mamoto, LPSK Deputy Chair Edwin Partogi Hasibuan, and Komnas HAM Legal Division Head Gatot Ristianto.

The Kapoldasu explained that in the human cage case, apart from the eight suspects, investigators have also named the inactive Langkat TRP Regent as a suspect.

"Investigators have named nine suspects including TRP's brother who is fully responsible for the discovery of the human cage," he said.

He said the TRP suspect was the person most responsible for the criminal case of trafficking in persons until he died

"We suspect the TRP as the party most responsible for the criminal acts that we found during the process of activities that occurred in the human cage," he said.

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